Blog Posts, Travel

42 Foot Irony

Basically, Athena was a badass since birth.  She is a WOMAN who specialized in strategic warfare- which probably goes against every modern notion of womanhood in the US- ESPECIALLY in the early 1900s.  So here is this 42 foot statue in honor of a Goddess who has several traditional “male” roles (war, math, civilization, strength, strategy) in the south- where the stereotype is that women are traditionally supposed to be homemakers and gentle and subservient.  The irony as I stood in front of this gigantic statue really made me chuckle.

Blog Posts, Music, Movies, and Books

My Girl Power, Goddess Playlist

Music has such an incredible power over us.  It can make us laugh, cry, dance, or reminisce.  It can also degrade us or empower us.  I think it is very important to have some go-to songs that make us feel better no matter what mood we’re in.  Therefore, I have decided to share with you my Girl Power Playlist on Spotify for those times that I need to get in touch with my inner Goddess.

Blog Posts, Women's Issues

WARNING- I am Standing on my Soap Box

The documentary did an excellent job of putting everything together.  It showed the relationship between media, self-image, and power (or lack thereof) of women.  It came with numbers, statistics, interviews, and clips of news anchors, podcasters, and radio personalities saying abominable things about women in the public eye (and ear).  This was not a group of women sitting around drinking wine bashing men for two hours.  It was well researched, organized, and executed.

Blog Posts, Women's Issues

It’s So Shiny!

I really just want to give a shout out to all the awesome women out there.  Whether you're the CEO of your own company or the CEO of your home.  Whether you're a kick-ass drummer, boxer, basketball player, accountant, or mother.  I want you to take a minute to think of all the awesome things you've done today and pat yourself on the back.  Give yourself a hug.  Pour yourself a martini, or have a piece of chocolate.  You deserve it!