Blog Posts, love, My Crazy Family

Mousetrap Date Night!

I’ll admit it… The hubby and I had fallen into the trap of hours of TV and labeling it “togetherness.” We decided that we need to make more time for US and for real connection outside of daily activities of parenting and “adulting.” Now, we have a standing date night on Wednesday night after the baby goes to bed :).

This week, our activity was MouseTrap!! Both of us vaguely remember playing MouseTrap as kids, so it was definitely nostalgic. We’re both abnormally competitive so it was fun to trash talk about getting/losing cheese pieces. Even though I’m sure we sounded absolutely ridiculous.

The con of playing this game is that it is incredibly simple. It almost took longer to assemble the board than to play the actual game. We decided that if we do it again, we need to make it more interesting – like make it into a drinking game or add a different adult element to it to keep us more entertained.

In the end, my little red mouse was victorious! Completing two cheese wheels was a little anti-climatic so we put his mouse in the trap anyway :).

Overall, we had fun, drank some wine, and bonded over something other than TV so I would call it a successful date night :).

What are some bonding activities that you and your spouse do to stay connected?

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